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The Kids

Anchor 1
Took Frank to the groomers and told her

Frankie - aka - Mr Ferter

Frank is the oldest of the lot born Dec 26, 2008 in Airdrie, Alberta and is truly a very special little guy. Frank is part Dachshund/wirehair poodle being very delicate, daintie but still having the dachshund... not putting up with stuff "attitude"!  He is my little boy!

Jil - aka- Hurricane Jil

Jil is our youngest born May 1st 2019, in Salmon Arm, BC,  from another small home breeder, which was a 7.5 hr drive one way to get her and worth every minute of it!. Being she was not raised with kids but 3 other litter mates she was a little rough  and untrained biting anything and everything but was quickly cured of that, although she is still vocal and rough playing with Jak...but i guess thats what boyfriends or  

Jak - aka - wacko Jako

Jak is the middle boy who was born November 5,2018. He is a Mexican rescue as the lady who i acquired him off went on vacation and brought home 4 of them. Jak was the last one left and has turned into my wonderful family member!
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